Yes, we have problems. Some are monumental. But we also have people all over the world working to solve these problems. They're out and about and in laboratories doing research, learning what's wrong with the environment and how to fix it. They're scientists and technologists and everyday people on a mission. The articles in this blog focus on the discoveries and inventions that provide a better way to live and improve the quality of life for all inhabitants. The content is good news for Planet Earth.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Beaver Creek -- from Ruin to Rehabilitation, Part 2

People Pitch in to Turn the Tide of Beaver Creek
Note: The first three articles of this blog tell the story --12 years in the making -- of how a stream is making a comeback. The residents who live in the Beaver Creek watershed, about two dozen government agencies and community organizations, and a variety of scientists are bringing the degraded stream back to life.The  Beaver Creek story shows what people can do when armed with both knowledge and know-how. 

The power of stakeholders and partnerships.
In a watershed, whatever is done to the stream is done to the place you call home. You either enjoy a pristine setting or you can endure an ugly, muddy mess. You have a stake in the condition of the stream.